This is is an "information" website for our Class of 1959. It can only be updated or changed by the web site administrator. You may access the web site by entering its web address,, on your web browser [such as Safari, Chrome, or Firefox], into your search engine such as Google, Yahoo, etc.
REMEMBER: If you simply type the web address into your web browser, IT MUST BE ALL ONE WORD WITH NO Anything typed other than that will cause you to be sent to an unrelated web page!
On this web site, if you click on a tab along the left, the corresponding section will open. In each section, use your mouse to scroll down to see the entire section.
If you click on theContact Us
tab at the bottom left side, you will find a link that will enable you to email us any comments or suggestions or updated information. Please remember to include your fullname!
If you have photographs of yourself or of classmates, and you would like to have them posted in the Photo Gallery, please scan them, and use the email link in theContact Ustab to send them in JPEG format. Please identify people in the photo[s] with their full names. Feel free to add comments to be included!
Special thanks are due:
To Dennis Heimbach, who supplied a treasure trove of material which was incredibly helpful;
To Dennis Nagle, Class of 1958, for facilitating finding a web site host;
To Terry Crupi, Class of 1961, for permission to use the Multi-Class reunion information;
To Tom Fox, for providing the copy of the 1959 Arxalma to be digitized.
We hope you enjoy this site and the chance to stroll down memory lane. We look forward to hearing from you!